You have questions; we have answers...

+ How is this different than a traditional 'Hackathon'?

Generally speaking, a 'hackathon' is primarily focused on computer programmers, designers and project managers coming together to brainstorm software solutions to single problems over a short period of time.

Our event aims to break from this traditional model in a few ways.
1) Participants from a wide variety of backgrounds including healthcare.
2) Targeting healthcare for 'hatching solutions'
3) Hardware in addition to software so that we can tackle all kinds of healthcare problems. 4) Access to mentors, workshops, facilities and prototyping materials.

+ Can I participate if I am not a student?

Absolutely. We like to think of the participants as 'learners'. The only criteria to apply is enthusiasm for medical innovation and collaboration.

+ Do I have to attend/work at UBC to participate?

Definitely not. Let's see how far our innovation community can reach

+ Do I have to have software experience? Prototyping experience? Medical Experience?

Nope. If you do, great! With such a diversity of expertise at this event, teams will be made to include the expertise necessary to tackle each specific problem. The only criteria to apply is that you are excited about solving healthcare related problems.

+ I have identified a healthcare problem; can I pitch it at the event?

Please do! We will have some problems to pitch to teams but we are banking on you coming up with some really great problems as well. Visit our resources page to find out how you can develop your problem so it is ready to pitch at the event.

+ I can't think of a problem, can I still participate?

Although we encourage you to put some thought into some potential problems to tackle at the event, you don't need to come with your own in order to participate. There will be ~5 people per team, so as long as somebody from the team you form has a quality idea, all will be well.

That said, a well thought out problem will help your chances of being selected to participate.

+ How can I prepare for the event?

Keep an eye on our resources page for some relevant information. As the event will seem to go by very quickly, we encourage you to have a bit of insight into problem identification and development, pitching your ideas and the judging criteria prior to the event. Also, check out all of the awesome resources we will have available to you at the event so you can make the most of them over the weekend.

+ What should I bring to the event?

Other than some basic writing implements, and your computer/tablet we should be able to take care of the rest. Facilities will be available throughout the night on Saturday (March 12) so if you plan to work through the night, we suggest you bring what you need to be comfortable.

+ How will teams be formed?

Great question. After problems are pitched on Saturday morning, groups will be formed based on interest and expertise necessary to tackle each specific problem. It will be important to listen carefully to the pitches and think what you can offer to the group for the problems that interest you. Once pitches are complete, it is up to you to express your interest in a problem and build a team of rock stars to hatch a solution!

+ Does it cost anything?

The cost for the event is $25 for students and $50 for non-students and you will only pay if you are selected to participate. We will definitely make it worth your while with quality catered food and prototyping equipment included. We tried to keep the cost for the event low but we also want to make sure you are committed.

+ Are there prizes?

Although this is not the focus of the event, we believe a big part of medical innovation is translating and implementing your brilliant ideas. We have over $5000 in cash and in-kind prizes to award to the teams that can translate their process and ideas to a panel of judges. Check back on our website for updates, or get updates once you've applied.